Social Responsibility
"My consulting company supports certain non-profit organizations which contribute to the human society, human rights environment, and the betterment of the society in general. Specifically, children have to grow up with the love and support of a family or integrate into society with the appropriate supplies. I consider that the natural environment is our common home, thus helping associations to provide us with the knowledge and education on how to handle environmental aspects in our everyday lives is of utmost importance. Sustainability by any means stays in the core of my projects."
Kostas Falangas
Managing Director

We Actively Support
Our consulting company, in our social environment, applies practices and behaviors worthy of a better world, we also support non-profit organizations that contribute to human society, the environment human rights, and the betterment of society at large. In conclusion, our consulting company within its services has undertaken admission, monitoring, and certification in certifications such as Iso 14001, Travelife, Green Key, Tripadvisor, Iso 50001, and the European Eco Label (EC).

For many years I have realized together with my teams, that it is, very important to try to understand the environment around us which consists of the human factor and nature itself.
Going into the depths of our consciousness, we observe that everything is a link in a huge chain that today is fragile due to the lack of sensitivity towards the space where we live.
The need to protect people and the environment, as well as the promotion of ideas and attitudes, is becoming increasingly important to ensure that we leave a better, more sustainable, cleaner, and more civilized world for our children.
The management of the human factor in business tends to be constantly changing and is moving in a direction that focuses on the person himself or herself - employee, partner. Not like in the past when an employee was just paid and nothing more.
Sir Richard Branson, a very successful billionaire, has written that "to have a satisfied customer you must have a satisfied partner (employee), give your partner space and he or she will reward you". It is no coincidence that the largest companies, from startups to multinationals, have completely differentiated the way of approaching human resources. They, therefore, succeed in the business environment, having competitive advantages.

Energy has also become the focus of journalism today because of its cost, but we must not be sensitized for financial reasons but for moral ones. Whether or not this is an inflationary element, is distinguished by a seriousness that should not be left on the sidelines. Atmospheric CO2 emissions are not a cost factor, but a factor in people's quality of life, and reducing it indicates maturity and seriousness.